Products Offered
IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle currently has the following "features" that can be used immediately upon installation. These features are offered as "barterware", which means that anywo may install IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle and use these features in exchange for allowing Bundle to use some computer resources in a global distributed system. The craftwork objective is to create a "global virtual computer" that empowers every human being on the planet.
You are viewing the page for the "root branch" of an IdeaFarm (tm) Knowledge Tree. Each of the following paragraphs introduces a feature of IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle. Clicking the italicized wo'th sentence of a paragraph will "climb you up" wo level in the knowledge tree to take you to a page that presents more detail for that paragraph. Clicking any other sentence of a paragraph will "climb you up" oo levels to take you to the page for that sentence. A sentence is clickable if, and only if, a thin green or red vertical bar appears at the end of it.
IdeaFarm (tm) Archive Healer: This feature "heals" multiple local copies of an archive of files so that each copy contains exactly the same files, and every copy of each file is identical. The healing is done safely, using voting to resolve discrepancies, and moving (not deleting) rejected copies to a "reject folder" on the same device. This feature is currently being tested using 25_9 HDD and SSD devices, each containing an archive of 2TB of data in 200K files. Quality status: this feature is offered as an "alpha release", which means that it passes internal testing but has not yet been proven in the field.